The International Information Exchange or IEE is a global standard that governs the way organizations exchange information and communicate with each other. It is an agreement entered into by the United States and other governments that specify the key elements of information security. It was created in response to the widespread availability of electronic mail and the lack of controls over the content and distribution of this electronic form of communication. The organization is governed by a group of international experts who are known as the “Expert Group on Information Technology Education and Communications” or the IETF. This association was established in 1993 and remains one of the largest bodies of individuals involved in information systems.
There are several key objectives associated with the IEE. One is to develop standards that will be accepted by a larger part of the world and will be useful in a global market. Another is to develop standards for business processes that help the industry to become more efficient and reduce cost. A third objective is to develop standards that are more reliable and test more constructively than the ones that currently exist. In addition, the IEE also works towards the creation of international standards for the transport of data and information and develops the International Standard for Information Communication (ISIC) as well.
An IEE consists of several different bodies. One such body is the Internet Engineering Council. It is a non-profit organization that develops and promotes technical standards for the internet. The IETF also has an educational program, the Standards Development Program, which works with colleges and universities to develop educational programs based on IETF’s standards.
A separate yet still significant body is the Information Technology Education Council or ITEC. This is a not for profit organization that develops many different consumer electronics standards. The organization also develops standards for the application of computer science standards for software, desktop products, networking, and security. Information technology training and certification are one of its functions.
There are also a number of international, independent technical committees that work on developing iEE standards. These committees are not governed by any governing body but rather are independent in the sense that they meet according to their own scheduling and self decide upon the scheduling of meetings. The area network work is managed by the Information Systems Examination Board or IEAB.
Information technology training and certification are one of the functions of the IETF. This body sets standards for the process of information communication and provides training to those individuals who would like to be involved in the standards development process. Areas covered include: standard design, management, engineering, and implementation. Information technology certification is one of the chief benefits of the IETF and other independent technical committees and associations that are associated with IETF.